Monday, August 31, 2009

outside lands festival

I've been a Pearl Jam fan, in all of my anger and angst, for the better part of my teenage and adult life; have listened to their live recordings and imagined being at one o' their shows somewhere in the world- in Boston, Seattle, Verona, Prague. This past Friday night at the Outside Lands Festival in Golden Gate Park, I finally saw Pearl Jam perform live for the first time. I was very, very far away from the stage, most of my fellow fans were blazed out of their minds, it was the end of a long week, and Eddie Vedder was just as unintelligible as expected. It was great. AND I can honestly say that I enjoyed myself more dancing to the only other band I got to see that night, a super fun Mexican band called Kinky (top photo) introduced to me by my friend Adam. I used to see a lot of bands live, and not so much anymore, but each and every show brings new bands to know, new albums to buy. Heart-thumping thrilling every time.

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